Lifetime guarantee

Lifetime Guarantee

At trained-ready-armed-apparel, we're committed to providing our customers with the best quality products and services. We understand that making a purchase is an investment, and we want you to feel confident and satisfied with your purchase for a lifetime.

That's why we offer a lifetime guarantee on all of our products. We stand behind the quality of our products and are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with every purchase.

How It Works

If any of our products ever fail due to a manufacturing defect, we'll repair or replace it for free. Simply contact our customer service team at and let us know about the issue. We'll take care of the rest.

Terms and Conditions

  • Our lifetime guarantee applies only to manufacturing defects and does not cover normal wear and tear, accidental damage, or misuse of our products.
  • We reserve the right to determine whether a defect falls within the scope of our lifetime guarantee.
  • If we determine that a defect is covered by our lifetime guarantee, we will repair or replace the product free of charge.
  • If we no longer carry the exact product, we will offer you a comparable replacement.
  • Our lifetime guarantee applies only to the original purchaser and is non-transferable.
  • This offer may be discontinued or modified at any time without notice.

At trained-ready-armed-apparel, we're confident in the quality of our products and stand behind them for a lifetime. We want you to feel confident and satisfied with your purchase, and our lifetime guarantee is just one way we show our commitment to you.


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